THE BOSTON MARATHON! I'm not running it, but I have been in love with this event for as long as it's allure has captured all marathoners alike. After my debut marathon at Twin Cities in 2009, and a modest finishing time of a 2:24, I was contemplating on signing up for the 2010 Boston race... yet, for some stupid reason I picked a "low-key" marathon rather than the major event with all it's hype and glory. I still regret that decision every spring when Boston fever hits everyone.
In 2010 I actually had a good time on the track that spring and got the unparalleled opportunity to race in the USA Track and Field Championships that June in the 10,000m. However, it was followed by an April marathon, that should've been Boston, but was the lesser known Country Music Marathon... I guess you live and learn. I learned that I wanted to run the major marathon's, so the next one would be Chicago. To summarize the ensuing months; a couple of us signed up, trained poorly for it and when the race came on a warm morning we either dropped out or ran awful! Another lesson learned. And unfortunately for me, I was hurt for a long period of time and wouldn't be in any shape to run Boston that spring.
This year is a different story... After the trials I figured I needed some time to recover and a later spring marathon would be better for me, hence the Grandma's Marathon that I've been gearing towards. But I can't help but think about Boston, the one that got away. It'll always be there every spring, and I vow to race it next year! And to make matters more exciting, a slew of us Albuquerquerans will be doing it next year. So, mark your calendar's for Boston - 2013!!!
As for training leading up to that glorious race, and a few other marathons in-between, I can say that this week has gone by fairly well. One decent track workout and an excellent long run that wasn't tarnished by the gusty winds of the Albuquerque Spring. To juice up my week, I only did 4x1 mile on the track in [4:54, 4:52, 4:48, 4:45]. Nothing too impressive, as it gives me a good indicator of how I am not fast this year, but rather a bit stronger. I guess, more of a marathoner, and less of a 10k runner that I use to be. It's a bit sad, but I'll have to work on my speed at a different time of the year.
Jack Daniels workout on Sunday went smoothly. Again, it's been a slight challenge to adjust my effort at altitude to the correct paces I want to hit for my tempo workouts. I found that I just have to trust my body, and know that threshold of going into oxygen debt, without crossing it. The effects of altitude have seemed to help drastically when I venture down to sea level to race, especially in the shorter events. If I'm doing proper speed workouts and hitting the goal paces I want with minimal recovery, it tends to correlate to a projected race time.
A good friend, Jay Hyung (pronounced: Young) who is now 41, but owns a marathon time of 2:10 from his prime has been showing up and running some of these workouts with me. The schedule for the day, was 24 miles. About 5 miles warm-up, 4x1 mile at tempo, 10 miles easy, then 3 miles at tempo pace. They were hit in [5:22, 5:17, 5:12, 5:08] & [5:22, 5:16, 5:13]. You can only imagine how your legs feel after 19 miles, and then knowing you have to hit another 3 mile tempo. It's a perfect taste of the marathon, and simulates that feeling. Either way, with a few more of these, I should be in decent shape.
Next up, watching the Boston Marathon Live tomorrow morning, and then the Albuquerque Half Marathon next Saturday! Should be a good week.
week 6
Mon - am. 12 miles
Tue - am. 10 miles / pm. 10 miles
Wed - am. track 4x1 mile total:10 miles / pm. 10 miles
Thur - am. 12 miles / pm. 10 miles
Fri - am. 6 miles / pm. 14 miles
Sat - am. 11 miles / pm. 8 miles
Sun - am 24 miles w/4x1 mile @ tempo, 10 miles easy, 3 miles @ tempo.
Total: 137 miles