Monday, July 30, 2012

The Next Endeavor - NYC Marathon

After a nice week off of running, and allowing my legs to get back under me, I am now setting my sights on the Big Apple.  The  ING New York City Marathon is 4 quick months away, and I am already pinning up the race route on my bedroom wall.

I have never been to New York City, so this should be a very interesting trip.  A brisk 26.2 mile tour of the 5 boroughs lies only a few months away, and as these summer months are still sizzling away, I know the race is just around the corner.  I've finally started to do some workouts, and increase my mileage a bit.  It's going to be an interesting marathon build up, as my base mileage wasn't as big as it's been in the past, but I think I'll be adding more speed into my workouts, and some more hill running to better prepare me for the hills/bridges in New York!  The Big Apple - here I come!

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